Monday, March 24, 2008


Well here we are almost a month later with new posts. It takes awhile because my daughter Sara was doing the blog for me and she is at college so sometimes it doesn't get updated very often. So I have decided to try my hand at posting. You will notice right off that I am not the wordsmith that Sara is. She is very clever and should be a writer. I would bug her about updating the blog and she would get frustrated with me because she doesn't have alot of time. These young kids nowadays thinking they have no time. She is only a full time college student (deans list all 4 years) works 40 hours a week and is planning her wedding for this May. I don't know what her problem is she has the hours between 2am and 6 am to blog for me. So here goes the next 2 post are my initial attempts at blogging and adding pictures.
What is new here? Nothing. Winter won't leave and I am more than ready for spring. We put the girls in their snowsuits to go out and play today. We even dragged their outside play stuff from the barn. It was pretty hard trying to slide in a snowsuit, Ava can barely walk in hers. But they went out and blew the house dust off. Everyone starts back at school tomorrow so we will be on regular schedule again. Ava goes for shots in the morning, Phoebe has pre-school and speech and then hopefully it will be nap time.

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