well it has been 2 weeks since last post. I have been super busy but I don't know with what. It certainly hasn't been with laundry(as it is crawling out of the bathroom as I type) We have been to so many doctor appointments. Last week Ava was a wreck, crying ,screaming,not sleeping so I finally called the doctor. I told him if there was nothing wrong with her then I needed something. But guess who had ear drums ready to rupture, yep poor thing. I had to repent of my lack of compassion she really was not feeling well. We took Phoebe to the heart doctor every thing is still the same there, which is good news. We got to see the ultrasound of the heart, very cool. Her hole is the same as it was 3 years ago. the only news that would be better is if it closed. And I believe God can do that. We also went to the ear specialist for Phoebe and guess what her ears are a mess. She is on antibiotics for 10 days we go back and hopefully they will be better. The up side to both her drums rupturing is she will be getting the tubes put in (as soon as they are bettter). God is good I had been trying to figure out how I would talk the Dr. into tubes and there was no talking about it, he will do it . In fact he looked in her ears and said"her ears are a mess" . So for anyone wondering why we wanted the tubes, Phoebe has a slight hearing problem because her ears are a mess. We are hoping that her hearing will be 100% after the tubes. Dan hurt his shoulder and right arm which has laid him up. I took him to the ER last week. He is slowly getting the use of it back,and the pain is subsiding so he is on the mend.
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