We started off fine and are ending fine but the middle was a little iffy. We had 4-H on Monday, the day of the bomb threat, so it was hard to get the kids to settle down then when we did the computer quit so we couldn't finish looking up info on South korea. So we do our presentation on this coming Monday and so aren't ready. But then on tuesday matt calls from college and he is not feeling well, yikes he has 2 final exams to go to finish the semester. We pray for him and keep praying for him to feel better and finish strong. wednesday I have pretty busy day and I get through half the day and I start not feeling well, and go to bed. Wednesday night I feel somewhat better but at 11p.m. my bad tooth acts up and I am in excruciating pain for 6 hours. UGH!!! Thursday Elaina gets up not feeling well she stays home from school and I am tired from being up all night with that tooth ache. We watch baby Owen for Sara
. Matt arrives home from college horn a blowin' and bearing McDonalds for lunch. Oh happy day he has finished his first year of college!!YEAH!!!
So today I go to the dentist. I have put off going for 5 months, you may ask why? Well quite honestly I hate going to the dentist. I break out in a sweat get light headed all nervous. So my 19 year old son will be taking his mother to the dentist today. Do youthink I'll get a sticker if I be good?: ) Oh yeah what a week.
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