so this week I had my physical and last week I went in for the blood work. One of the things that we tested was my vision... well one eye tested 20/70 yikes and the other eye 20/50 better but when I read the eye chart with both eyes I tested 20/40.... how can that be? Again another medical mystery, but that would explain why when I wear glasses I get a headache. Who knew.
Also I had to get a TB test and she comes in with a needle and I ask where is the thing with like 4 prongs that you poke us with? The nurse looks at me and says"if that's what they used on your last test it has been way toooo long since you needed one" hmmm fancy that they were surprised by how long it had been (obviuosly they don't know me). Any how when she put the needle in my lower arm it did just what it was supposed to do (yeah me) but then when she pulled it out something happened and she sprayed the stuff in the syringe out and it squirted my face, huh!! yuck I was thourghly grossed out. She told me not to worry obviously I didn't have TB yeah well it was still gross!!! Now I'm off to have it read. And I am done with physicals for awhile.
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