Where to begin. As I posted yesterday, we have made the difficult decision to switch the two kids from Houghton to the local school. We put the kids down there 8 years ago, never thinking that we would be coming back. our local school is good but we desired a christian education for our kids. So we put them down there and didn't look back. Until now. We made the decision and then we followed through with it. I have cried more in the last four days. You would have thought that someone near and dear to us has died. And in a sense it had. We truly liked the school. Today I took the kids up and dropped them off at their new high school, I felt like I had thrown them to wolves or something. When Alex got out of the van, I just looked at him and told him it would be all right, have a great day, I would pray for him. He just looked at me like yeah right. I pulled away from the curb and started to bawl. I cried all the way home. What had we done? Also my husband has been out of town this whole week, so I have handled everything to do with the switch. I came home and snuggled with Ava, I held her close trying to make myself feel like not such a big scmuck. After a while I got myself up and read todays devotional ( I use Streams In the Desert) a devotional book I have used for 7 or so years. Todays reading was so perfect for me. Thank You God more appropriate words could not have been written. They brought peace to my heart and mind. Often times when God answers my heart cry I don't mention it but not today He has been my Peace and I must share, (even if noone reads it). So here are a few clips from todays
" He gaurded him...like an eagle that stirs up it's nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carry them on its pinions. The Lord alone led them; no foriegn god was with him." Deuteronomy 32:10-12
The rest of the devotional talks about a soldier being prepared.
Dear believer, do you understand that God may take away your comforts and privileges in order to make you a stronger Christian?............
No, God knows that soldiers can only be made in times of battle, and are not developed in times of peace............
So dear Christian, could this account for your situation? is the Lord uncovering your gifts and causing them to grow? Is He developing in you the qualities of a soldier by shoving you into the heat of the battle? Should you not use every gift and weapon He has given you to become a conqueror? Charles Spurgeon
So why is this meaningful, the taking away comforts or the shoving so very easily describe what I have been thinking this week. The begining part talking about the eagle pushing her young out of the nest, thats how I felt this morning. So as we walk in this new season may God be glorified.
Also last night Matt came home around 10:30 I was like what are you doing here? He came back to help his girlfriend get a truck load of horse feed. Then he came home to be with me this morning. Truly did not expect that, but he thought of Beth and Alex and wanted to be here for them also. So hey even when you wonder are we doing anything right, God is faithful so give us a glimmer.
1 comment:
Crying tear with you! Sometimes new decisions are so tough. Praying right now that God will comfort you and strengthen you and your children.
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