Friday, December 17, 2010
My baby boy....
Well it happened last Sunday, my baby boy turned 16. The time has truly flown by. He is the last of our homegrown kiddos. My baby boy. did you ever have one that just was made to be the baby of the family? Well Alex is ours. He came into the world quickly and then settled right down. I never had to get up in the night to feed him, he slept through from the day he was born. He just loved to be loved, the other kids ,especially the girls adored him. And rightfully so, he smiled and went with the flow. He is still a very laid back kid(too laid back at times ahem). Any way he was a perfect fit for this family, we celebrated it on Saturday and then on Monday his dad took him to pick out his cell phone and when he is ready (meaning he has read the manual) his dad will take him for his permit test. I can't even believe he is old enough to start driving. He plays basketball ,soccer and will do track in the spring. He still loves to play almost anything. if you come with younger kids he will get his stuff out and play right along with them, video games no problem,blow up army men in the sand pit you bet. He really likes getting fire crackers, the boys play by the hour with them. We live out in the country so no worries. Ever see a tomato get blown up? Yeah well here it happens on a regular basis.
I am going to share the background story of Alex because it is so wonderfully God. Seventeen years ago we were leaving evening church service and our Daughter Sara said"I know what I want for my birthday next year" "we just celebrated your birthday and you're already thinking about next year?" (her birthday is December 10th) She says "yes" "I asked God for a baby brother" Dan and I were dumbfounded, we told her that she would not be getting that for her "gift". she was not swayed," I asked God for a baby brother for my birthday." well the new year came and life was crazy and long about June I realized I wasn't feeling all that great, and guess what I was expecting and due in December, 3 days after Sara's birthday. The closer it got to her b-day she started saying she didn't want him to share her birthday. Well at this point in time he was going to come when he came. Her birthday came and went and I went into labor on the 12th had him that afternoon. Sara was here for his birthday and she said "I wish he had been born on my birthday" Man make up your mind.
Never underestimate the power of your childrens prayers. Get them on board in prayer with you. God has done amazing things for our family all because our children have prayed in faith believing GOD would answer. We named him Alexander it means defender of the people, we believe God has big things for Alex. since he was 2 years old he has always said he was going to be a marine.
Be blessed ....
I am going to share the background story of Alex because it is so wonderfully God. Seventeen years ago we were leaving evening church service and our Daughter Sara said"I know what I want for my birthday next year" "we just celebrated your birthday and you're already thinking about next year?" (her birthday is December 10th) She says "yes" "I asked God for a baby brother" Dan and I were dumbfounded, we told her that she would not be getting that for her "gift". she was not swayed," I asked God for a baby brother for my birthday." well the new year came and life was crazy and long about June I realized I wasn't feeling all that great, and guess what I was expecting and due in December, 3 days after Sara's birthday. The closer it got to her b-day she started saying she didn't want him to share her birthday. Well at this point in time he was going to come when he came. Her birthday came and went and I went into labor on the 12th had him that afternoon. Sara was here for his birthday and she said "I wish he had been born on my birthday" Man make up your mind.
Never underestimate the power of your childrens prayers. Get them on board in prayer with you. God has done amazing things for our family all because our children have prayed in faith believing GOD would answer. We named him Alexander it means defender of the people, we believe God has big things for Alex. since he was 2 years old he has always said he was going to be a marine.
Be blessed ....
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Children......
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Grocery shopping...
So yesterday Dan and I went grocery shopping. He was willing to go and drive so hey who am I to say no. We went to a bigger store for our know what that means... we spent way more than we would of if we had stayed close to home. So you ask how bad could it be we spent my whole months worth in one trip. This is pretty typical of my husband, he feels like we are not ready for winter unless the pantry and freezer are full. So he shops and buys some things that I would never consider. You may ask what could that be
one cheese in a can...
two avacadoes
three packs of cheese
four cans of soup
five cans of tuna
six chicken breasts
seven boxes of crackers
eight cake mixes
nine boxes of cereal
ten frozen patties
eleven fresh vegetables
and twelve cans of MT. DEW
Oh yeah there it is our own twelve days of Christmas....
And honestly if you think I'm kidding about the amounts, I'm not. We have cereal everywhere in the pantry, we had four un-opened boxes before we went so I really have 13 un-opened boxes...any one want to come for breakfast? Oh wait we didn't get any milk... ugh!!!
So should we get snowed in we have provisions and really all that matters is if we get snowed in I have MT DEW a woman has to have her priorities.
one cheese in a can...
two avacadoes
three packs of cheese
four cans of soup
five cans of tuna
six chicken breasts
seven boxes of crackers
eight cake mixes
nine boxes of cereal
ten frozen patties
eleven fresh vegetables
and twelve cans of MT. DEW
Oh yeah there it is our own twelve days of Christmas....
And honestly if you think I'm kidding about the amounts, I'm not. We have cereal everywhere in the pantry, we had four un-opened boxes before we went so I really have 13 un-opened boxes...any one want to come for breakfast? Oh wait we didn't get any milk... ugh!!!
So should we get snowed in we have provisions and really all that matters is if we get snowed in I have MT DEW a woman has to have her priorities.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
A Very Blessed Thanksgiving....
We celebrated our family Thanksgiving a little early. Our son Aaron was home from California so we had our family in on November 13. we had 22 people sit down for a dinner with all the trimmings. It was wonderful although it took me several days to recover, I was exhausted. We are completely blessed. God is so good to us!!!!!
Also as you can see by the last picture our son Aaron is now engaged!!! He asked Casey to marry him while home and a wedding in September 2011 is being planned. Very exciting. Her grandparents own a golf course that they both haved worked on, so last Saturday they went for a walk together and when they got to the 18th hole, Aaron got down on one knee and asked her to marry him.....AWWW how romantic :)
We had him ask the blessing for the meal on Saturday and then he held up Casey's hand and told everyone the good news.
God has truly blessed us as a family. We were so thrilled to have all 9 of our kids with their husbands/boyfriend/girlfriend sit at our tables along with grandparents and a close family friend to share in our joy. This week we will have dinner with Dan's family and 5 of our kids.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
November is here....
So it's November. Is anyone else as excited as me? I love Thanksgiving. This year we are having all our kids in on the 13th. Aaron is flying home from California that weekend and so we will have all 9 of our kids, 2 son-in-laws and 3 grandchildren, my in-laws and hopefully my Dad. talk about a full house. I can't wait, have been planning a menu, and decorations for the 3 little girls to make. He is coming home the 11th to the 14th, it was so much cheaper to fly home that time then at Thanksgiving. We are just happy to see him , then at Christmas he will be home for 2 weeks.
Also it is OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD time I will be running the relay center at our church for the week. Am believing for the most boxes we have ever collected. I am excited because I have actually had some people sign up to help me. We have started filling our boxes here.....have you?
WE have a little movement on our adoption. Praise the Lord we have an approved homestudy. If you had told me that would take 5 months I would have thought you were crazy. But on Oct 15 we were approved and on the 27 we were notified by USCIS that we would get a finger print appointment. So we are moving along; very slowly but moving. We will work on the last of our dossier paperwork and just wait on God to move forward. But Operation Joy is still underway.
The kdis have adjusted very well at their new school. They were both allowed to play on the soccer team and basketball starts next week.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
" Do all the good you can,
by all the means you can,
all the times you can,
to all the people you can,
as long as you ever can."
John Wesley
Biblical aplication;
" For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared in advance , that we should walk in them." Ephesians 1:10
October Is....
BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH>>>>make sure you take care of yours....., : 0
( did I say that?)
BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH>>>>make sure you take care of yours....., : 0
( did I say that?)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
God is GOOD...
Where to begin. As I posted yesterday, we have made the difficult decision to switch the two kids from Houghton to the local school. We put the kids down there 8 years ago, never thinking that we would be coming back. our local school is good but we desired a christian education for our kids. So we put them down there and didn't look back. Until now. We made the decision and then we followed through with it. I have cried more in the last four days. You would have thought that someone near and dear to us has died. And in a sense it had. We truly liked the school. Today I took the kids up and dropped them off at their new high school, I felt like I had thrown them to wolves or something. When Alex got out of the van, I just looked at him and told him it would be all right, have a great day, I would pray for him. He just looked at me like yeah right. I pulled away from the curb and started to bawl. I cried all the way home. What had we done? Also my husband has been out of town this whole week, so I have handled everything to do with the switch. I came home and snuggled with Ava, I held her close trying to make myself feel like not such a big scmuck. After a while I got myself up and read todays devotional ( I use Streams In the Desert) a devotional book I have used for 7 or so years. Todays reading was so perfect for me. Thank You God more appropriate words could not have been written. They brought peace to my heart and mind. Often times when God answers my heart cry I don't mention it but not today He has been my Peace and I must share, (even if noone reads it). So here are a few clips from todays
" He gaurded an eagle that stirs up it's nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carry them on its pinions. The Lord alone led them; no foriegn god was with him." Deuteronomy 32:10-12
The rest of the devotional talks about a soldier being prepared.
Dear believer, do you understand that God may take away your comforts and privileges in order to make you a stronger Christian?............
No, God knows that soldiers can only be made in times of battle, and are not developed in times of peace............
So dear Christian, could this account for your situation? is the Lord uncovering your gifts and causing them to grow? Is He developing in you the qualities of a soldier by shoving you into the heat of the battle? Should you not use every gift and weapon He has given you to become a conqueror? Charles Spurgeon
So why is this meaningful, the taking away comforts or the shoving so very easily describe what I have been thinking this week. The begining part talking about the eagle pushing her young out of the nest, thats how I felt this morning. So as we walk in this new season may God be glorified.
Also last night Matt came home around 10:30 I was like what are you doing here? He came back to help his girlfriend get a truck load of horse feed. Then he came home to be with me this morning. Truly did not expect that, but he thought of Beth and Alex and wanted to be here for them also. So hey even when you wonder are we doing anything right, God is faithful so give us a glimmer.
" He gaurded an eagle that stirs up it's nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carry them on its pinions. The Lord alone led them; no foriegn god was with him." Deuteronomy 32:10-12
The rest of the devotional talks about a soldier being prepared.
Dear believer, do you understand that God may take away your comforts and privileges in order to make you a stronger Christian?............
No, God knows that soldiers can only be made in times of battle, and are not developed in times of peace............
So dear Christian, could this account for your situation? is the Lord uncovering your gifts and causing them to grow? Is He developing in you the qualities of a soldier by shoving you into the heat of the battle? Should you not use every gift and weapon He has given you to become a conqueror? Charles Spurgeon
So why is this meaningful, the taking away comforts or the shoving so very easily describe what I have been thinking this week. The begining part talking about the eagle pushing her young out of the nest, thats how I felt this morning. So as we walk in this new season may God be glorified.
Also last night Matt came home around 10:30 I was like what are you doing here? He came back to help his girlfriend get a truck load of horse feed. Then he came home to be with me this morning. Truly did not expect that, but he thought of Beth and Alex and wanted to be here for them also. So hey even when you wonder are we doing anything right, God is faithful so give us a glimmer.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
oh the times they are a changing.... We have made a very big decision . The 2 high schoolers will be switching schools today. We have had them in Christian school for 8 years. This was an incredibly difficult decision to make. They will have their last day and then I will pick them up and we will go find classrooms and lockers and figure out schedules for them to start tomorrow. We have struggled with this decision for awhile but feel this is the right thing for now. Bethany is a senior so this is really big for her, please keep her in your prayers and Alex is just rying to figure out what is going on.
I have been incredibly busy with canning. I juiced out 140 pounds of concord grapes...UGH my back was killing me, did a bushel of pears, more salsa then I can count. But we are getting ready for winter. It is very satisfying to go down cellar and see the shelves full of rows of food. I have about 40 pounds of carrots to do, few more tomatoes , and then some applesauce and I will be done.....kinda sorta : )
The autumn weather has come and the leaves are changing quite fast. We have one maple tree that has already turned and lost all its leaves. So we need to get out and enjoy this season that God has blessed us with.
Monday, September 20, 2010
So is anyone else having trouble with blog posting? I have typed several and downloaded pictures and then it doesn't download right . ARGH!!!!
So i am doing a few posts trying to figure it out.
So i am doing a few posts trying to figure it out.
Open Wide......
Thursday, September 9, 2010
pleasant places
"Lord you have asssigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.
The boundry lines have fallen for me in pleasant places ; surely I have a delightful inheritance."
This is truly one of my favorite places, we walk down there on a regular basis
This summer the girls really enjoyed wading in the water and skipping rocks. Elaina actually became quite good at skipping rocks, the other two not so much but they really love throwing big rocks in and watching the splash. We had such a wonderful summer the weather was perfect and we just enjoyed our time. We did lots of swimming and lots of cards and game playing. I am really grateful for the time that we had. School has started and brought a few challenges already. I believe a season of change is upon us and I really enjoy/hate when things change. But God is faithful and constant.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
It's official
September Already
Well here it is the end of summer. We have had a heat wave so it feels like July and not September. This weekend Aaron comes home and we will be having a cook-out and bonfire, so that family and friends can come and he can see alot of people in a short amount of time. So I really should be cleaning the house ; ) . If you are in the neighborhood on Sunday stop on by.
School will start for the little ones next week. I am ready for some routine again. Also our group of ladies will be starting back up with the Bible study again. I am very excited about starting again. We have decided to do Crazy Love by Frances Chan.
School will start for the little ones next week. I am ready for some routine again. Also our group of ladies will be starting back up with the Bible study again. I am very excited about starting again. We have decided to do Crazy Love by Frances Chan.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Dumb Quesstion 1
Okay so over the years we have been asked numerous questions some viable most dumb. I don't want to sound arrogant or something but really do people think before asking or even listen when they asked a previous question that totally answered the other question (HUH?)..
For example.... We have the 3 girls, you ask how cute,....where are they from? (good question) Elaina is from Cambodia....Phoebe is from Uzbekistan....and Ava is from Vietnam.
Ohhh how cute the lady says.... then it comes ,hold on here it comes....
"were they sisters before you adopted them?" HUH? did you not just hear me?
Cambodia, Uzbekistan, Vietnam not even a possibility.
Oh wait I know .... Yes their Mother was a traveling saleswoman.....
For example.... We have the 3 girls, you ask how cute,....where are they from? (good question) Elaina is from Cambodia....Phoebe is from Uzbekistan....and Ava is from Vietnam.
Ohhh how cute the lady says.... then it comes ,hold on here it comes....
"were they sisters before you adopted them?" HUH? did you not just hear me?
Cambodia, Uzbekistan, Vietnam not even a possibility.
Oh wait I know .... Yes their Mother was a traveling saleswoman.....
End of Summer

well here we are at the end of summer. 3 of the kids start back to school next week and then the other 2 a week later. We have tried to enjoy this summer to the best of our ability....;)
Aaron will be home over Labor Day weekend. we are very excited to be having him home even for a few days. He comes in Sat. and leaves Tuesday. All the kids are anxious to see him. (we are too)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
CrAzY LoVe Challenge

Linny over at A Place Called Simplicity is doing Crazy Love Challenge #5 and The Countless Conklins is getting involved. Thank you Linny for this opportunity.
Well, here we again. Our family is in the process of adopting our 10th, a little girl from the Philippines, Joy. Our family affectionately calls this "Operation Joy" as it is proving to be the most challenging of the adoptions thus far. In order to keep the process moving, we are raffling a Queen Size quilt that I made and had quilted. The proceeds from this will help our family bring hom Joy!

Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. If you would like to buy tickets or donate please e-mail me at The drawing will take place on Monday August 23. We will notify the winner at that time.
Thank you for your help with Operation JOY!!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
It's that time of year again...
Well I have officially started canning season. Today my kitchen was HOT I did some salsa and dilly beans. Last week I did pickled beets (YUCK) But I love my husband so I do them for him.
Bethany is also running for fair queen so we have been trying to get her stuff around for that. i will post pictures when it starts.
Have a wonderful summer day!!!
Bethany is also running for fair queen so we have been trying to get her stuff around for that. i will post pictures when it starts.
Have a wonderful summer day!!!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
so this week I had my physical and last week I went in for the blood work. One of the things that we tested was my vision... well one eye tested 20/70 yikes and the other eye 20/50 better but when I read the eye chart with both eyes I tested 20/40.... how can that be? Again another medical mystery, but that would explain why when I wear glasses I get a headache. Who knew.
Also I had to get a TB test and she comes in with a needle and I ask where is the thing with like 4 prongs that you poke us with? The nurse looks at me and says"if that's what they used on your last test it has been way toooo long since you needed one" hmmm fancy that they were surprised by how long it had been (obviuosly they don't know me). Any how when she put the needle in my lower arm it did just what it was supposed to do (yeah me) but then when she pulled it out something happened and she sprayed the stuff in the syringe out and it squirted my face, huh!! yuck I was thourghly grossed out. She told me not to worry obviously I didn't have TB yeah well it was still gross!!! Now I'm off to have it read. And I am done with physicals for awhile.
Also I had to get a TB test and she comes in with a needle and I ask where is the thing with like 4 prongs that you poke us with? The nurse looks at me and says"if that's what they used on your last test it has been way toooo long since you needed one" hmmm fancy that they were surprised by how long it had been (obviuosly they don't know me). Any how when she put the needle in my lower arm it did just what it was supposed to do (yeah me) but then when she pulled it out something happened and she sprayed the stuff in the syringe out and it squirted my face, huh!! yuck I was thourghly grossed out. She told me not to worry obviously I didn't have TB yeah well it was still gross!!! Now I'm off to have it read. And I am done with physicals for awhile.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Philippians 4 :13
"I can do all things through Christ who strenghthens me."
This would sum up how I feel about the dossier for a Philippine adoption. Now any one who knows us knows that we have adopted 3 times already. We are very familiar with paperwork. But the requirements for this country are quite particular, actually I'm being nice they are completely over the top. I wanted to quit. The other night when I went to bed I was very frustrated and thought" in the morning I'm going to talk to Dan about switching countries and agencies," I had had my fill. When I woke up the next morning this verse was right there ,my first thought, so I knew the lord was speaking to me to not give up. So we will keep plugging away and what a day of rejoicing there will be when I finally have this dossier done and ready to send in.
This would sum up how I feel about the dossier for a Philippine adoption. Now any one who knows us knows that we have adopted 3 times already. We are very familiar with paperwork. But the requirements for this country are quite particular, actually I'm being nice they are completely over the top. I wanted to quit. The other night when I went to bed I was very frustrated and thought" in the morning I'm going to talk to Dan about switching countries and agencies," I had had my fill. When I woke up the next morning this verse was right there ,my first thought, so I knew the lord was speaking to me to not give up. So we will keep plugging away and what a day of rejoicing there will be when I finally have this dossier done and ready to send in.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Well summer is chugging right along. This past week we have had the hottest weather...holy cow!!! I do not do well with heat. But like everything wait will change. Today we are getting some much needed rain. So I will recap some of what is going on...
Elaina has been away at camp she also turned 10 years old at the begining of the month, this picture of her is 3 years old but I really like it . And we haven't downloaded any new pictures in awhile.
we have summer soccer 4 nights of the week
we have VBS this next week at night 6-8 pm for ages 2 and up so if you are in the area bring your kids
I have sold one of my quilts YEAH!!!
We have started selling raffle tickets on the queen size quilt so if you are intersted let me know
And drum roll please.... we mailed out another set of paperwork and will be getting the next set to start. This adoption is very different from either of the other 3. The agency we are using Children of all Nations does it very different. You only get the next step as you pay and send in the paperwork. Our other agency sent you all the paperwork requirements up front so you could be doing multiple things. So I am trying to stay patient with the new system. I am hoping to send out all the rest of the dossier by the end of August, but I need to see what exactly we need to do.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This quilt is one that I call retro/vintage. I was given this quilt top all pieced together several years ago. I put it in storage and brought it out a month ago to see if it could be used. A few years back we had an elderly lady in our church who used to get together with a group of ladies and make quilts The lady who gave it to me is the only surviving member of the quilt group and she was down sizing to move into a very small apartment. All the squares are hand cut and hand sewn the material is truly a scrap quilt. I took the top to a quilt store in our area to see if it could be dated, well the ladies started looking at the squares and dating the materials back to 1930 thus the vintage label but they also dated it up to the 1970's thus the retro label. So the top has pieces of history for about 40 years in it. If you are into nostalgia this quilt is for you. The material I used to back it is a pale blue and cream vintage looking pattern. I had it machine quilted so it would hold up to use. It has been an interesting quilt to look at and guess what certain square materials were used for... gramma's apron, curtains a beloved blanket, dress ... So I am trying to sell this quilt for $125 it measures 52 inchesX 78 inches . If you are interested please e-mail me at or leave a comment in the comment section of this blog. All money the we make on the quilt sales is going towards our adoption of JOY.
Thanks for supporting us as we try to bring home another child to her/their forever family.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
We are nearing the end...sort of...
Tomorrow will be the LAST day of school for Elaina and Phoebe. we can't wait, it is soooo time for a break. The reason I say sort of is because Phoebe starts summer school next week ugh... just 7 days off. She will be gone in the mornings so not a total loss. She just needs to maintain what she has learned this year, plus keep her speech up. So we have no exciting plans and that's not a bad thing. We were gone over the weekend to take Beth to the camp she is working at for the summer. I can't believe she will be gone 9 weeks, I'm missing her already. The girls are missing her also. She always gave them attention, play on the trampoline, watch Mulan for the 1000 time, make cookies with them. She is a wonderful big sis. We are praying she has a wonderful ,learing growing time, while she is there, oh yeah she will make some money too:)
We are plugging away at some adoption things here. I will be doing some fundraising here shortly, so stay tuned for the big reveal. I have 2 quilts that I am going to post for sale and 1 that we are going to do a raffle on, They are quite beautiful, and will make you a wonderful addition.
Will post the pictures and details soon
We are plugging away at some adoption things here. I will be doing some fundraising here shortly, so stay tuned for the big reveal. I have 2 quilts that I am going to post for sale and 1 that we are going to do a raffle on, They are quite beautiful, and will make you a wonderful addition.
Will post the pictures and details soon
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Field Trip

This spring has been very busy. I have been taking pictures and writing blog posts in my head but they have not managed to make it here until now. We have been to Missouri and Illinois in April, to see Aaron graduate boot camp, we have done clothing revue for 4-H , had some very hot days, and school field trips. I have also started walking with 2 other ladies 4 times per week, a Bible study and trying to get paperwork for the adoption around, and do laundry and put meals on the table. You ladies know, we call it LIFE.
So on the field trip we went to Niagara Falls and then to Fort Niagara. It was a long bus ride but worth it.
Rites of passage

In our family we have a little tradition. When our girls turn 10 years old they may get their ears pierced. This started way back, when Jessica was little and she begged and begged to get her ears pierced well Dad did not want her to get them done, so he told her "when you are 10 you can get them done". Then we blinked and she was 10. Jessica held him too it, she had been counting down the time to get them done. at that time her great grandmother drove down from Buffalo picked her up took her back up to Buffalo, they went to lunch and then got the ears done, she stayed the night with her and brought her home the next day. What a big moment for Jess and she still talks about it to this day. The same thing with Sara when she had hers done. We took Bethany when it was time and then went to McDonalds . Well Elaina will be 10 in 2 weeks. I really can't even believe that she is already 10. We have to quit blinking... Any how Bethany is leaving at the end of the week and will be gone for 9 weeks (sniff sniff) and she begged me to take Elaina while she was home so she could be apart of the milestone. So this last Friday we took Elaina and went to get them done. So here are some photos of the big event
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Psalm 16:5-8
"Lord You have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken."
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Word on Wednesday

"My God shall meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus"
I really needed that reminder today. We have our first (actually 9th) home study on Monday and we need to mail out the money this week...gulp.... BUT MY GOD, He shall provide.
We are taking baby steps in "Operation JOY". The older kids are trying to talk Dan out of the name Joy but he won't be persuaded. I am trying really hard to be patient as this process is going agonizingly slooooow.....
We finish off at Houghton Academy this week and then Alex and Beth will be done. Beth has a job lined up for the summer and Alex still needs to find work. Matt will start his job in another week. In this time of economic downturn I am so grateful that they were able to get jobs for the summer.
This picture of Ava is too sweet not to share, it's pictures like this that make you say awww.. lets do it again ;) And makes Daddy say okay
Monday, May 31, 2010
Okay it's obvious I don't know what I'm doing in the changing of the blog picture. Will work on this later.

This is our son Aaron taken at his graduation from boot camp in Missouri. We are blessed beyond measure to call him son.Please keep this great nation in prayer as we walk throuhg these difficult days. the Bible gave clear warning when it said to ..."beware when they call evil good and good evil...."
Friday, May 28, 2010
I Love this quote.....
In life there are those who stand in line to ride the merry go round and those who stand in line to ride the roller coaster.... Which line are you standing in?
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Things have changed...
We have taken baby steps towards starting the adoption. Man have things changed in the last 4 years. We got an e-mail from the social worker with the homestudy documents required. I looked at the e-mail on Thursday and went into total denial. I closed it up and went about my day thinking maybe God does not want us to adopt again. (we know that's not true, but when the tough get's going I was outta there ; ). Anyhow on Friday I opened it up and made copies of everything we have to do and put it all in a folder labeled JOY. That was to help keep me willing to proceed. But today I grabbed the bull by the horns aka opened the folder up, and started reading and organizing myself. I made our fingerprint appointment for Tuesday. So we have started. WHEW
So many things have changed we used to go to the county jail to get fingerprinted now you have to go to a special site and have them done. So many new requirements. I think it would be easy for a first time adoptive parent to say forget it. But we shall move along according to the system and money supply. On that note this next Friday and Saturday I will be having a yardsale with all the proceeds going to the next step of Operation JOY.
Hope all is well with you who come by here. Have a great day!!!
So many things have changed we used to go to the county jail to get fingerprinted now you have to go to a special site and have them done. So many new requirements. I think it would be easy for a first time adoptive parent to say forget it. But we shall move along according to the system and money supply. On that note this next Friday and Saturday I will be having a yardsale with all the proceeds going to the next step of Operation JOY.
Hope all is well with you who come by here. Have a great day!!!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
I Survived
Update on dentist appointment. It all went well. I made Matt sit in the van," he say's why did I have to come with you anyway?" My reply "ummm hello.. in case I pass out" " Man Mom you need to get a life" Excuse me... I have a life....sort of.
Anyhow it went fine I nervously moved my right leg the whole time, they asked me several times are we hurting you? nope just trying not to run away. ;)
He asks me when did the break happen...ummm New Years Eve....why did I wait so long to come in to see him? ummm because your a DENTIST I hate going to the dentist.
So he takes a jackhammer to torture me with fills it and says I'm all set...I'm thinking jeesh I should have come along time ago. I go to the receptionist, pay and she says when do you want to come back? Excuse me? come back...for what (my legs were like jelly by the way)..come back for the permanent filling....what? what did I just get through? oh a temporary soft filling....I go back in 3 weeks to get the real thing...Man what a raquet.
And in case you are wondering, no grown woman do not get stickers for being good.
Anyhow it went fine I nervously moved my right leg the whole time, they asked me several times are we hurting you? nope just trying not to run away. ;)
He asks me when did the break happen...ummm New Years Eve....why did I wait so long to come in to see him? ummm because your a DENTIST I hate going to the dentist.
So he takes a jackhammer to torture me with fills it and says I'm all set...I'm thinking jeesh I should have come along time ago. I go to the receptionist, pay and she says when do you want to come back? Excuse me? come back...for what (my legs were like jelly by the way)..come back for the permanent filling....what? what did I just get through? oh a temporary soft filling....I go back in 3 weeks to get the real thing...Man what a raquet.
And in case you are wondering, no grown woman do not get stickers for being good.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Oh what a week!
We started off fine and are ending fine but the middle was a little iffy. We had 4-H on Monday, the day of the bomb threat, so it was hard to get the kids to settle down then when we did the computer quit so we couldn't finish looking up info on South korea. So we do our presentation on this coming Monday and so aren't ready. But then on tuesday matt calls from college and he is not feeling well, yikes he has 2 final exams to go to finish the semester. We pray for him and keep praying for him to feel better and finish strong. wednesday I have pretty busy day and I get through half the day and I start not feeling well, and go to bed. Wednesday night I feel somewhat better but at 11p.m. my bad tooth acts up and I am in excruciating pain for 6 hours. UGH!!! Thursday Elaina gets up not feeling well she stays home from school and I am tired from being up all night with that tooth ache. We watch baby Owen for Sara
. Matt arrives home from college horn a blowin' and bearing McDonalds for lunch. Oh happy day he has finished his first year of college!!YEAH!!!
So today I go to the dentist. I have put off going for 5 months, you may ask why? Well quite honestly I hate going to the dentist. I break out in a sweat get light headed all nervous. So my 19 year old son will be taking his mother to the dentist today. Do youthink I'll get a sticker if I be good?: ) Oh yeah what a week.
. Matt arrives home from college horn a blowin' and bearing McDonalds for lunch. Oh happy day he has finished his first year of college!!YEAH!!!
So today I go to the dentist. I have put off going for 5 months, you may ask why? Well quite honestly I hate going to the dentist. I break out in a sweat get light headed all nervous. So my 19 year old son will be taking his mother to the dentist today. Do youthink I'll get a sticker if I be good?: ) Oh yeah what a week.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mothers Day
Yesterday was a very nice day for me. Too bad we only get this day once a year... My girls made me very cute cards and just for the record according to Phoebe I am 18 years old and only weigh 45 pounds ....bless her little heart. My son Matthew gave me a great gift also... he shaved yes you read that right, he finally shaved that nasty stuff off his chin and neck. I also received some plants and other things for my garden. I am completely blessed.
Holy Cow!!!
Today has been an interesting day. We have had a potential bomb threat at our kids school. Man I did not need that. Our kids are fine but it was a nerve wracking 4 hours. It makes homeschooling look more and more appealing.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
We are home
Well we made it back safe and sound on Sunday. the 2 older kids that stayed home managed things just fine. They actually even cleaned the house :). We have caught up on our sleep and laundry. Today we will get back into the swing of regular life(whatever that is). I am working on some quilts and my flower gardens, plus a few meetings this week. We have talked to Aaron several times, he is adjusting well to California, (I mean who wouldn't?). The time change hasn't been bad for him. He won't start classes for a few weeks yet, but they will keep them busy. His graduation was very nice. So many men and women willing to serve this great country. I will post pictures when we get them into a computer file. He is very handsome in his dress uniform. We did not get to see him as much as we would have liked. We only saw him for 4 hours on Wednesday and 7 hours on Thursday and that was it. the girls were thrilled to hang on their big brother for a little while. We then went to Illinois and spent the weekend at a friends cottage and just relaxed, talked, played games and ate. It was a very good time away.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Good news all the way around. We leave in about 6 hours to head to Missouri to see our son. can't wait to get my hands on him. And we were accepted into the Philippine adoption program with what I am hoping is a great adoption agency. We still are a very long way out in the process. It is part of the Hague country programs so nothing will happen fast. In fact I am not expecting our dossier in until September. I would love to have it in in July but not seeing that....
On another note....hello katie thanks for telling your Mom who called Aunt Vicky who called me...hmmm did not even give a thought to anyone still reading this here blog and you happen to find what I wrote and now ....I have some splainin to do. But it will wait till later.
On another note....hello katie thanks for telling your Mom who called Aunt Vicky who called me...hmmm did not even give a thought to anyone still reading this here blog and you happen to find what I wrote and now ....I have some splainin to do. But it will wait till later.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Where we are at
We have sent in our application to adopt from the Philippines. They say it can take up to 2 weeks before we know if we are in the program. I will try not to let it control my thoughts for the next couple of weeks. We actually have some good things happening. we leave in a week to go to our son Aarons' graduation from boot camp. I can't wait to see him it will be 12 seeks since he left. We will see him for 2 days and then he flies to California for 65 weeks of specialized training. We are hoping in that time we will be able to go see him and that he will be home for Christmas. I miss him some thing fierce. I have not done well with the whole leaving the nest thing. I know they are supposed to leave and encourage them to be independent but I sure miss them. Matt actually looked into switching to a college 7 hours away from here. I was ready to let him go but Praise God he has decided to stay where he is which is an hour away. So breathing asigh of relief here.
Praying everyone has a blessed day!
Praying everyone has a blessed day!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Setbacks Already?
Well we have already had a few days of worry, oops I mean trusting in God. God has been working on my heart and really seeing whom I am believing. I have spent this week claiming this verse....."because I know whom I have believed and am convinced, fully persuaded,having no doubt that HE is able to keep what I have entrusted, committed, given to HIM until that day."I have added a few more words to really enforce it for me. God's word is ever faithful and timely and truthful. This truth is found in 2 Timothy 1:12
That being said we are moving forward, maybe not as fast as I would like but forward none the less. In fact God has already given us a name, Joy, so it will either be Joy or a name that means joy.
That being said we are moving forward, maybe not as fast as I would like but forward none the less. In fact God has already given us a name, Joy, so it will either be Joy or a name that means joy.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Well in case you noticed, I deleted all my previous posts. Except a few. We have decided in this day and age that having too much personal information "out there" was not wise so we have cleared out most of them . Quite honestly it's not like I put too much personal stuff up anyway but my husband felt I needed to be even more private. So I will post what's happening and then hide them after awhile, always leaving up the word that so encourages me.
That being said we do have some exciting news we are going to start an adoption from the Philippines. To say that I am excited would be an understatement. I have been praying for a year and a half for Dan to feel the call again. Just when I was going to give up he starts telling me how God has moved on his heart and he knows' it's time. God is so good!!! We have not started any paperwork yet but we do have an agency and I have been researching adoption from there for a few months. we are so excited about this new adventure. Stop back in and check out what God is doing.
That being said we do have some exciting news we are going to start an adoption from the Philippines. To say that I am excited would be an understatement. I have been praying for a year and a half for Dan to feel the call again. Just when I was going to give up he starts telling me how God has moved on his heart and he knows' it's time. God is so good!!! We have not started any paperwork yet but we do have an agency and I have been researching adoption from there for a few months. we are so excited about this new adventure. Stop back in and check out what God is doing.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
"Sometimes I would like to ask God why he allows poverty, orphans and all the injustices in the world when He could do something about it....But I'm afraid he might ask me the same thing..."
Thursday, March 11, 2010
"Trust God's word and His power more than you trust your own feelings and experiences. Remember, your Rock is Christ, and it is the sea that ebbs and flows with the tides,not Him!!!"
Samuel Rutherford
How wonderful is the truth of Gods' character
Samuel Rutherford
How wonderful is the truth of Gods' character
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The Word on Wednesday
Todays verse comes from 1Thessalonians 1:2&3
"We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."
This brings to mind other scriptures which speak of faith, hope and love, it seems that this is a recurring theme with God. Where would we be without the 3. The greatest of these is love..., Christ so loved us that He gave... I think that it is so awesome that Christ commends us for exercising these 3 attributes. Also they are active verses so for someone like me who "learns by doing" I have an action ie. work, endurance,labor. We are supposed to be doing something for the kingdom, it is not passive but active. And for someone with a Mary spirit this is encouraging. So as you go about your day, your life remember that we are called to action.
"We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."
This brings to mind other scriptures which speak of faith, hope and love, it seems that this is a recurring theme with God. Where would we be without the 3. The greatest of these is love..., Christ so loved us that He gave... I think that it is so awesome that Christ commends us for exercising these 3 attributes. Also they are active verses so for someone like me who "learns by doing" I have an action ie. work, endurance,labor. We are supposed to be doing something for the kingdom, it is not passive but active. And for someone with a Mary spirit this is encouraging. So as you go about your day, your life remember that we are called to action.
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