UGHHH!!!!!!! is winter ever going to end?
There that's out of the way
Phoebe started back to school today. She is doing much better, only needs pain medicine in the morning and before bed, so definately better. Her speech on the other hand is ...eek..not good. Right now the tone of her voice is even different than before. Not sure if that is typical but it is at a much higher pitch than ever. Her hearing is definately way better. But her words, not so much. Because her throat hurt so bad she started talking without moving her lips, mouth, tongue, so her word formation is not right. Hopefully this is a temporary problem. Her speech teacher will be shocked, I think.
We had 3 inches of snow last night....i am so ready for spring...outside...fresh air....this winter has been a long one.
This morning I watched the end of Toy Story 3 with Ava. Not going to lie I cried. Not because of Andy leaving but because Beth graduates in 3 months. The time has flown by. She has become a beautiful young women. We are so proud of the person she has become. As parents we try to raise them to be caring, responsible,hard working, and with a desire to serve Christ, and here we are at her launching time and I'm not ready. She has 2 college options and she is still not settled on what or where. We are praying that she will know that she knows. The picture is Alex and Beth at the Christmas concert. This coming Wednesday Beth is turning 18, I can't beleve it. She was always so full of life and very outspoken, you never had to wonder what she was thinking, because she has freely shared her opinion (much like her father). She is looking into business as a major but I can't see her at a desk, she is very much a people person. She is also looking into x-ray tech and ultra sound tech I can totally see her doing that she is such a people person.
Anyhow enough of my ramblings. There must be somthing I should be doing.
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