Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Musings and Ponderings

So yesterday the kids went back to school. Alex started his senior year and Ava started kindergarten. It was sad yet happy my babies both starting big years. Elaina started seventh and that doesn't seem possible. She is also playing jv girls soccer. She is very good at soccer and tested up and made the team. We are proud of her abilities...not only is she beautiful but she is talented too ;). But I digress that is not what I am writing about today it's the back drop for what I am about to say. So for the first time in 11 years I have no kids home again. WHEW!!! So what did I do with my first free day....why went to wal-mart of course. And Label Shopper and TOPS and McDonalds alllllll byyy MYSELF, yesireee. So while out enjoying my free time (pre-school started today so it was one day) I notice several women out shopping and they have full mustaches.....yes real ones....So I am asking the people in my life to please..please...please if you see me out sporting some unwanted facial hairs please tell an intervention ...sit on me and wax ...I don't really care please just help me to keep track of that stuff. My husband says I don't have to worry he will pay whatever it takes to keep my lip and chin hair free. I know we all get busy so that why we have each other to keep love of such things. Well thats it for now , have a great hair free day. And may we all be blesseed with people in our lives who care about us. We have to stick together.


The dB family said...

Bahaha!! Seriously?? I don't get it. Why do we women get to have it all? Acne, weight gain, stretch marks, and just when we think our acne is finally leaving, facial hair! Ugh! I've been debating electrolysis for it, but I don't know...


Hayley said...

This made my day. I keep tweezers in the car so I can do hair checks at the red light. Just kids would kill me. :)